Thursday, January 16, 2014

Saddle School Week 2

Howdy Y'all!

Ok, so I haven't posted as much as I thought I would. Class runs from 8-4 every day, and then I end up working here in the shop with the other guys in class until it's time to go to bed. No complaints though... on the contrary, I'm really having a great time and learning more than I thought possible in the short amount of time I've been here.

Dale Moore, our instructor, is a retired teacher and principal. He is a great guy! He is super knowledgeable about saddles, horses, packing & outfitting, as he grew up with horses and has been riding all of his life. I couldn't imagine learning from a better person.

We are in two teams to two working on "demo" saddle for Dale's shop. The saddle Stu and I are working on... well, perhaps I should introduce my classmates first: Stu is our resident Canadian. He was on the ark with Noah (really he's in his 50's). Doug is the closest to being a local-yokal. He lives in Idaho just a couple of hours away. Shawn came the furthest to be here. He is from Mississippi. Both Doug and Shawn are military... Doug is recently retired and Shawn just got out.

Anyhow, our saddle is already sold so it's been a bit stressful at times knowing we are making a product someone has already partially paid for! So far so good. We should be done by Saturday, and then I'll post some pics. On Monday we start our own saddles and tack!

Anyhow, God Bless to all of y'all. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers, and if any of you want a custom hand-made saddle I'll be up and running sometime next month! Adios for now...


Col 1:1-12


  1. Jessie showed me some pictures. They look awesome.

  2. Thanks! Should have more pics soon :)
