Thursday, October 13, 2016

Just Following Advice...

A couple of weeks ago a friend of mine suggested that a good start on posting more regularly would be every three months... I just looked at the date of my last post and realized that I'm pushing that time frame! I have serious doubts as if I will ever be an every-week kind of blogger, but perhaps I can attempt more regularity at the very least.

Anyhow, things are humming along here at the Batzer Homestead and Twin Mountain Saddlery. We just enjoyed the Fredonia Homecoming festivities. JP and I were on the Cub Scout float in the parade and I had a booth for TMS on the square afterwards. It was an enjoyable (albeit exhausting) day!

And now we're heading full steam into my favorite time of the the year... Fall (or Autumn, depending on what mood one is in). What's not to love about Autumn? Cooler weather, colorful leaves, and a crispness in the air make for a wonderful season. And who can forget Thanksgiving? My taste buds are already salivating!

Well, I suppose that's enough rambling for now. Next time I'll fill you in on dairy cows, saddle repairs and my new nephew in Oregon. Until then, happy trails, and have a blessed day!

~ David

II Cor. 4:18